
5 Essential Tips to Buying Your First Vehicle

Buying your first vehicle is quite exciting – it gives you a sense of achievement and marks a significant milestone in your investment journey. This process, however, has to be thought out and planned carefully to acquire a vehicle that represents value for your money. Lots of factors have to be considered before the big buy, not to mention the endless features you have to look into when choosing your preferred model. The whole process can be daunting, to say the least. With some advice and tips at hand, however, you can expect a hassle-free experience of buying your first vehicle.

Building Credit

Securing an auto loan to finance the purchase of your first vehicle may be tricky, but not impossible. Most lenders are willing to offer you an auto loan, provided you get a co-signer who will be responsible for your loan. You can also consider dealer financing or even seek that auto loan from your community bank or a credit union.

The catch, however, is not in securing the auto loan but repaying it. Getting an auto loan for your first vehicle buy presents the perfect chance to build your credit score. Making timely and prompt auto loan repayments helps you stay current, which in turn boosts your credit score. A high credit score makes it easier for you to secure other loans easily in future and qualify for lower interest rates as well.

Researching Desired Features

We are living in an era where lots of resourceful information can be accessed online. Before you walk into that car dealership, ensure that you have done a thorough background check of the vehicle you intend to buy.

If you’re buying a used vehicle, ensure you request for the pre-purchase inspection report. For a new car, inspect the interior and ensure that the seats and dashboard are spotless. Note other features involving its performance, such as acceleration and fuel consumption, so that you confirm them upon taking a test drive.


Whenever you are buying your first vehicle, the first thing you need to ask is whether to spend everything on your dream car or go for something more practical. At this point, you’ll make the consideration of buying either a brand new or used vehicle.

Being practical when buying your first vehicle means building your decision around several factors. Think of how much you earn and whether it is enough to pay for a brand new car. Practicality, therefore, means that you probably won’t consider buying a Ferrari on an entry-level salary. Going for used or fairly-priced models would be practical in such a case.


Take time to assess the safety features in the vehicle you wish to buy. If it is intended for family use, ensure it has features such as anti-lock for the small kids as well as baby seats for toddlers. Further, check the inspection report for any issues regarding the airbags and other safety systems of the vehicle.


Before settling for the final dealership, walk into various dealerships, and compare the car models available and the price range. Comparing several dealerships will help you get the best value on your first buy.

Here’s a golden tip: At a dealership, pull the move of walking away to increase the chances of being offered the rock-bottom price for your preferred vehicle. This way, you get to save when buying your first vehicle.

Buying your first vehicle doesn’t have to be daunting. Consider securing an auto loan to improve your credit score upon timely repayment. When buying your first vehicle, ensure you visit several dealerships and research the features of the vehicle (including the safety features). Most importantly, remember to be practical when making your first big buy.

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